Page 234 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 234


            2      The learner…                           The learner…                          1.  discusses  pictures  of  localities  where  different  Week 1/
         Quarter                                                                                cultural communities live where each group has distinct   2  Q
                   demonstrates     understanding    of  sketches and paints a landscape or     houses and practices.
                   lines,  color,  shapes,  space,  and  mural using shapes and colors          2.  explains  the  attire  and  accessories  of  selected  Week 2/
                   proportion through drawing.            appropriate to the way of life of the   cultural communities in the country in terms of colors   2  Q
                                                          cultural community.                   and shapes.
                                                                                                3. appreciates the importance of communities and their  Week 3/
                                                          realizes  that  the  choice  of  colors  to  culture.                                           2  Q
                                                          use in a landscape gives the mood or  4. compares the geographical location, practices, and  Week 4/
                                                          feeling of a painting.                festivals of the different cultural groups in the country.   2  Q
                                                                                                5.  paints  the  sketched  landscape  using  colors  Week 5/
                                                                                                appropriate to the cultural community’s ways of life.     2  Q
                                                                                                6.  tells  a  story  or  relates  experiences  about  cultural  Week6/
                                                                                                communities seen in the landscape.                        2  Q
         Quarter            Content Standards                   Performance Standards                   Most Essential Learning Competencies            Duration
            3      The learner...                         The learner...                        1.  discusses  the  texture  and  characteristics  of  each  Week 1
         Quarter                                                                                material.                                                 / 3  Q
                   demonstrates understanding of          exhibits basic skills in making a design  2.    analyzes  how  existing  ethnic  motif  designs  are  Week 1
                   shapes, colors and principle           for  a  print  and  producing  several  repeated and alternated.                                / 3  Q
                   repetition and emphasis through        clean copies of the prints            3. demonstrates the process of creating relief prints and  Week 2
                   printmaking (stencils)                                                       how these relief prints makes the work more interesting   / 3  Q
                                                          manipulates  a  stencil  with  an  and harmonious in terms of the elements involved.
                                                          adequate  skill  to  produce  a  clean  4. designs ethnic motifs by repeating, alternating, or by  Week 2
                                                          print for a message, slogan or logo for  radials arrangement.                                   / 3  Q
                                                          a T-shirt, poster bag                 5.  creates a relief master or mold using additive and  Week 3
                                                                                                subtractive processes.                                    / 3  Q
                                                          produces  at  least  3  good  copies  of   6.    creates  simple,  interesting,  and  harmoniously  Week 4
                                                          print using complementary colors and   arranged relief prints from a clay design.               / 3  Q
                                                          contrasting shapes                    7.  prints  reliefs  with  adequate  skill  to  produce  clean  Week 5
                                                                                                prints  with  a  particular  design  motif  (repeated  or   / 3  Q
                                                                                                8.  creates  the  relief  mold  using  found  material:  hard   Weeks
                                                                                                foam;  cardboard  shapes  glued  on  wood;  strings  and  6-7 / 3
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