Page 83 - GM booklet 2019 test
P. 83
3. Other Initiatives –
a) Expenditure Reduction Measures:
Proportionate Upto Variation
November against
Total Target
Item during for 2019 Action Plan for shortfall
2018-19 19-20 Actual 18-19 Target
Target Actual
Reduce AAC 5% 5% 6 79.88 AAC revision done on
value ( Lakhs) 1063.83 (53) 1063.53 (26.6) 47.84 zero basis.
Savings with the
extension of 396 5% 234 5% 558 138.46 101.29 Extended the battery life
Battery life (000 (20) (277.2) by 1 year.
Ensuring no ovality of
Reduce carbon 5% 5% commutators and
brush 4760 2709 2873 6.05 4.67
consumption (238) (3014) complete consumption of
b) Other Initiatives:
Proportionate Upto % Variation
Total Target November against
during Action Plan for
Item for 2019
2018- 19-20 Actual 18-19 Target shortfall
19 2018 Target Actual
Reduce Loco/DEMU Revised AAC for
maintenance cost in 1.50 5% 1.46 5% 1.20 17.81 15.79 reducing maintenance
Lakhs/1000 HP (till (0.075) (1.425) cost
Regularly conducting
plantation drives and
Increasing shed 5% 5% motivating supervisors
greenery in Sq M 1120 (56) 1120 (1148) 3610 222.3 214.5 and staff to develop
and maintain section
wise gardens
Sensitizing staff to
Reduce water 8172 5% 5546 5% 4576 17.49 11.59 understand the
consumption (408.6) (5175.6) importance of natural
Reduce electrical 256411 5% 173189 5% 164049 5.28 1.01 Detailed below at Note
power consumption (12.8K) (162.4K)
Reduce stationery Implementation of
consumption – A4 83500 5% 43000 5% 17000 60.47 57.14 eOffice helped reduce
Sheets paper consumption