Page 20 - Tlahuizcalli CB-30_Neat
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detected, and therefore increase the statistics of meaning of this second peak is unclear, as it is not
the experiment in a shorter operation time. There certain if there was something in the experimental
would be complications however, of operating in setup that could be responsible for it.
an open space, since the PMT coupled to the
scintillator needs to be connected to an H.V supply, In addition to this, the left ends of the distributions
and the output signal needs to be sent to the circuit seem to have considerably more counts than the
for its processing; not to mention the considerations right ends, so it may have a correlation with how
needed to be made regarding the weather. small the mean time is. Also, just like in the mean
lifetime experiment, there was a noise present
Another important aspect was the resolution of towards the beginning of the spectrum, so we
the MCA employed to register the decay times. needed to apply a large enough delay to the
From the calibration, only time intervals up to 5 signals, in order to keep them away from that noise.
could be measured. A consideration to be had for These effects distorted the distributions, making
future reproductions of this experiment, is that the them less gaussian, and therefore harder to fit. This
resolution of the MCA can limit the accuracy of the is what made the identification and subtraction of
measurements. In this case, there was a noise the background necessary.
present towards the beginning of the spectrum that
had to be removed manually from the data before One way to continue this project, would consist on
it was used for the curve fit. performing the same experiment but under
different conditions, maybe even using different
One way to give continuity to this work, would be detectors and electronics. The purpose would be
to perform a similar experiment, detecting muons to identify if some of the effects mentioned here,
with scintillators, but in different places with a like the second peak on the right end of the
noticeable altitude difference. This would allow to spectrum, are still present. This could help to
compare the amount of muons detected in each determine their origin and nature.
case, and the difference of particles detected
would correspond to the ones that decayed when Finally, it is important to highlight that, just like the
going from one altitude to the other. Knowing the mean lifetime experiment, the detectors were
velocity of the particles, it would be possible to placed inside a laboratory on the ground level of a
calculate the mean lifetime of moving muons. building. Moreover, the upper scintillator was
These results could be compared with the ones located just under a lamp (see fig.(8)). Despite the
presented here and used to study relativistic effects lamp remaining off during the entirety of the
like time dilation. experiment, there could be associated effects that
we didn't consider.
B. Muon’s speed
V. Conclusions
The value = 2.400 × 10 ± 1.47 × 10 / ,
obtained for the mean speed of the muons using The two values obtained for the mean lifetime of
the mean time intervals for the = 50 and the muon, with different PMT operating voltages,
= 100 separations, is physically consistent were consistent with the reported value in the
with special relativity, as the muon, being a massive Review of Particle Physics, within a 3 range. The
particle, it cannot travel faster than the speed of value calculated for the mean speed of the cosmic
light, but because it was generated in the upper ray muons, was consistent with special relativity.
atmosphere by cosmic rays, their velocity must be
close to 3 × 10 / . In the mean lifetime experiment, a background
was present in the time distributions, so it had to be
measured and considered to get a correct value
Nevertheless, there were some noticeable
problems with the time distributions. Towards the of the mean lifetime. The origin of this background
is still unclear.
right end of both of the original spectrums, a small
peak can be distinguished. Despite being small There were effects observed in the time
compared to the peak used to adjust the gaussian distributions for the muon's speed experiment, that
curve, it was always present in the measurements could not be fully explained, like the presence of a
for all the separation distances. The origin or
Tlahuizcalli ISSN: 2448-7260 Año 10 Núm. 30 septiembre-diciembre 2024