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second peak towards the right end of the Navas, S. et al (2024). Review of Particle Physics. Phys.
spectrums. This made the subtraction of a non- Rev. D 110, 030001.
constant background necessary, in order for the
data to be usable for a gaussian curve fit. Appendix A. Nuclear Electronics
Overall, we were able to get physically consistent In order to extract information from the current or
values for both, the mean lifetime and the mean voltage signals coming from the detectors, they
speed of the muons, using relatively simple must me processes by an electronic system.
methodologies and accessible materials in most Modern nuclear electronics has been standardized
graduate level laboratories. We believe the easy into a modular form: separate electronic modules
reproducibility of the experiments, as well as its have been built to perform basic processing
pedagogical value, justifies their application, and functions like amplification or discrimination. These
further sophistication. However, if it is precision what modules can then be combined in different ways
is pursued, alternative methods are to create circuits with different purposes according
recommended. to the experiment. Since the physical and electrical
specifications of the modules have been
Acknowledgments standardized, different laboratories in any part of
the world can exchange them without
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. compatibility issues.
Arturo Menchaca Rocha, Emeritus Professor of
UNAM, for his valuable guidance and support. His A.1. Pulse Signals
expertise and insights were invaluable in shaping
the project and helping me to overcome Pulse signals are brief surges of current or voltage in
challenges. which information may be encoded in one or more
of its characteristics like its amplitude, shape or
I also would like to thank Engr. Saúl Aguilar Salazar, polarity.
Technician Dionisio Conde Mendoza and MSc.
Arcadio Huerta Hernández for their invaluable Pulse signals can carry information in two forms:
contributions to this project. analog or digital (or logic). An analog signal codes
continuously-valued information by varying one or
more of its characteristics. An example of this type
of signals are the ones generated by a scintillator
(coupled to a PMT), as these are pulsing whose
Barnett, B., Klint, M., Tyson, T. (2012). Determination of the muon amplitudes are in proportion to the energy of the
lifetime. Retrieved from incident radiation; since each possible amplitude
es/default/files/files/Muon%5C%20Lifetime/Muon%5C%20Lifeti represents a different event or "state", it is said that
me%5C%202021.pdf. analog signals have an infinite number of states. In
contrast, digital or logic signals only take a discrete
Leo, W.R. (1994). Techniques for Nuclear and Particle physics
Experiments. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH. number of states; the corresponding information
coded in this type of pulses is then "yes" or "no".
Liu, P. (2007). The Speed and Lifetime of Cosmic Ray Muons. Despite the analog signals carrying more
Retrieved from: https: // information, the logic ones are more reliable since
pixx/muons.pdf. the exact amplitude or shape of the pulse doesn't
need to be preserved.
Melissinos, A. (2003). Experiments in Modern Physics. Academic
A.2. The NIM Standard
Oda, B. (2005). Introducción al Análisis Gráfico de Datos
Experimentales. Prensas de Ciencias. The first standard stablished for nuclear and high
energy particle physics is a modular system called
O’Keefe, M. (2021). Seeing through walls and breaking down NIM (Nuclear Instrument Module). In this system,
barriers. Retrieved from: seeing- basic electronic apparatus are constructed in the
through-walls-and-breaking-down- form of modules with standard mechanical and
barriers?language_content_entity=en. electrical specifications. These modules fit into
standardized bins that supply them with standard
Año 10 Núm. 30 septiembre-diciembre 2024 Tlahuizcalli ISSN: 2448-7260