Page 29 - 2019년6월전시가이드
P. 29
Simulacre 108×91cm Acrylic on Canvas
ings and <Embarrassment & Absurdity> displays an ironical situa- works is as described below.
tion in which a person kisses fish with a completely different view.
The situation shown in his works consists of scenes that seem im- First is the use of concise metaphors and metaphorical sense in
proper and inappropriate. The implied events that may occur in real- subtle silence that many other artists lack. The literary metaphors
ity are presented in concise terms of satire, which makes us think linger in and touch the people’s heart. Second is his way of slightly
of it for a while. His satirical representation shares the cynical flow twisting the reality with suitable parodies and ironical rhetorics
of Pawel Kuczynski, a Poland artist who became famous after re- although the irrational images are shown in the artworks. For in-
ceiving an award in the International Cartoon Contest. His artworks stance, in his work titled <Although flying, I am not flying>, his real
also embody the gap between the poor and the rich in our society intention of the statement is clearly unveiled in the painting where
and politics. Professor Jang deals with serious subjects in symbolic a bird simply wants to soar up to the sky. The wings are tied up and
messages that are not too heavy or light, giving people room to re- the bird cannot fly in such an absurd situation.
think. The unalloyed pleasure of appreciating Professor Jang’s art- The two-faced Janus of freedom and confinement is simply empha-