Page 13 - Rubrik 2022 FAQ
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2022 U.S. Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. What if I don’t pass verification for my HSA account?
A. If you don’t provide adequate documentation to verify your HSA account within 90 days, your account will
be blocked, all funds contributed to the HSA will be sent back to Rubrik, and your payroll contributions may
cease. Once your account has been verified and reopened, Rubrik will contribute your previously deducted
contributions and your previous employer contributions within the current tax year to your account.
Q. Who is eligible to open an HSA?
A. There are guidelines for HSA eligibility. To open an HSA, you must be enrolled in a qualified High Deductible
Health Plan (HDHP), you must not be claimed as a tax dependent on someone else’s taxes, and you must not
have disqualifying coverage. Rubrik’s HDHP is a qualified plan.
Examples of disqualifying coverage include:
Covered under a spouse or parent’s health plan that is not an HDHP
Covered by Medicare (Part A and/or Part B)
Covered under a health FSA (including if your spouse has an FSA at their company), unless the FSA is a
Limited Purpose FSA.
An HSA is required to be set up with a qualified custodian or trustee. HSA Bank’s custodian is Webster
Financial Corporation.
Q. Who can make contributions to an HSA?
A. Anyone can contribute to your HSA on your behalf. At Rubrik, you may set up payroll deductions to contribute
to your HSA as the account holder. The combination of all contributions may not exceed the IRS maximum.
If you do not wish to personally contribute to your HSA account do not waive this benefit in Workday. Simply
elect a $0 contribution.
Q. Is Rubrik contributing to HSAs?
A. Yes. If you are enrolled in the UMR HDHP, Rubrik will provide up to $800 into your HSA if enrolled with
employee only coverage, or $1,600 if enrolled with one or more dependents in 2022. These amounts will be
prorated if your date of hire is after the first of the plan year.
Q. When will Rubrik’s HSA contributions fund my account?
A. Rubrik’s HSA contributions will fund accounts in conjunction with each pay period after January 1 in the
amount of $33.33 for an individual or $66.66 for dependent tiers.
Q. How much can I contribute to my HSA?
A. For 2022, the IRS limits are $3,650 for an individual and $7,300 for family coverage. These amounts include
both Rubrik’s contributions and those made by you. For example, if you are enrolled with employee only
coverage, Rubrik will contribute $800 into your HSA. This means you can contribute up to an additional
$2,850 to the IRS limit of $3,650. If you are over the age of 55, you may contribute an additional $1,000 in
catchup contribution. The contribution deadline is April 15 following the year for which the HSA contributions
were made. If you do not wish to personally contribute to your HSA account do not waive this benefit in
Workday. Simply elect a $0 contribution.
Q. How can I contribute to my HSA?
A. You may make pre‑tax contributions to your HSA in a variety of ways, including:
Pre‑tax payroll contributions elected in Workday.
Online transfers — transfer funds directly to your HSA from your linked personal savings or checking account.
Rolling over or making a transfer from an existing IRA (Individual Retirement Account) to an HSA, but only
once in your lifetime.