Page 17 - Rubrik 2022 FAQ
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2022 U.S. Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

        Q.  How do I find a participating vision provider?

        A.  VSP‘s Signature Network contracts directly with vision providers, and also with several popular retail chains
            such as Walmart, Costco, Sam’s Club, Vision Works, Pearl Vision, and more. To find an in‑network provider,
            click here, or call VSP directly at 800‑877‑7195.

        Q.  What is the difference between the Base and Buy‑Up Plans?
        A.  Rubrik offers a Base Plan option for both the dental and vision plans. Employees can elect a Buy‑Up option
            with higher coverage at an additional paycheck cost. Please refer to our Benefits Guide for employee
            contributions and a comparison between the two plans.

        Q.  How do I get a copy of my dental/vision ID card?
        A.  You will not receive an ID card for dental or vision. To utilize benefits, simply give your provider the group ID
            (which is accessible here) and your Social Security Number (SSN) and they will verify your coverage directly
            with the carrier. You can also register online at or to view your benefits.

        Family Planning Benefit

        Q.  What is the Family Planning benefit?

        A.  Rubrik has partnered with Carrot to provide a comprehensive family planning benefit for employees and their
            eligible partners.

        Q.  What is the Carrot benefit?
        A.  Carrot provides personalized care for all employees and their partner or spouse with a family planning
            benefit that can help by providing access to partner clinics and top experts. Carrot can assist with egg
            freezing, IVF, surrogacy and adoption, as well as streamline pharmacy ordering. The coverage allows for
            a $25,000 reimbursement benefit per lifetime. Please note that this program operates on a reimbursement
            basis. Benefits are taxable to the employee.

        Q.  Does Rubrik cover infertility services?
        A.   Rubrik offers a family planning benefit through Carrot Fertility. With this plan, Carrot can assist you with
            navigating infertility care. If you or your partner receive care through an approved Carrot provider, facility, or
            pharmacy, your expenses can be reimbursed through the plan by Rubrik 100% up to a lifetime maximum of
            $25,000. Infertility services are not covered under the medical plans.

        Q.  Is Carrot for me?
        A.   Carrot is designed to support all pursuits of parenthood. Whether you’re just looking for more information or
            actively on a journey to parenthood, the Care Navigation team and Carrot Experts can help you find answers,
            get care, and more.

        Q.  Is there a cost to using Carrot?
        A.  There is no cost associated with using your Carrot benefits. Just log into your account, and you can access
            whatever you need.

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