Page 15 - Rubrik 2022 FAQ
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2022 U.S. Benefits Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

        Q.  Can I roll money from my existing HSA (from a different employer plan) into my Rubrik HSA?

        A.  Yes. You may roll over existing HSA funds from a different administrator into your Rubrik HSA. It may benefit
            you to do so as Rubrik pays the cost of monthly maintenance fees for the HSA while you are a Rubrik
            employee. Funds rolled over from another HSA do not count against your annual contribution limits. This
            process is initiated with your prior HSA administrator.
        Q.  Can I roll money from an IRA into my Rubrik HSA?

        A.  Yes. You can also make a one‑time rollover from your IRA into your HSA. However, you cannot roll money into
            your IRA from your HSA. Note that an IRA rollover will count against annual contribution amounts.

        Q.  Can I invest the funds in my HSA?
        A.  Yes. Once your account balance reaches $1,000, you may choose self‑directed investment options. For more
            details visit the Self‑Directed Investment Options online or contact HSA Bank directly at (800) 357‑6246.
        Q.  Is there someone who can assist me with my questions related to investments at HSA Bank?

        A.  Yes, HSA Bank’s Customer Service is available 24/7 and able to provide general support and guidance on
            how to get started with investments on the portal.  They can also help with investment options available to
            you as well as how to make transfers, and more.

        Q.  What are my options for investing my HSA Funds?
        A.  HSA Bank provides two options for self‑directed investments.
                Ÿ  Devenir Guided Portfolio self‑directed investment: a user‑friendly program that combines professional
               guidance with an easy‑to‑use platform. Perfect for new investors, this helps you create a customized
               investment allocation that fits your lifestyle and HSA investment goals.
                Ÿ  TD Ameritrade self‑directed brokerage account: ideal for experienced investors looking for more control
               and flexibility.
                Ÿ  To learn more, please review this short presentation: HSA Bank Investment Program Overview

        Q.  What happens to the money in my HSA if I leave my job or retire?
        A.  You take that money with you wherever you go. The HSA is in your name. It is your account. If you are on
            Medicare or go to another employer that does not have a qualified HDHP, you can still use your HSA money
            to pay for copays and qualified medical expenses but will not be able to continue to make contributions to
            your HSA. A monthly account maintenance fee will apply. Currently, the monthly retail rate is $2.25 with a
            $3,000 balance waiver.

        Q.  What happens to my HSA if I move to another Rubrik plan e.g. PPO at the next
            Open Enrollment period?

        A.  The HSA remains in your name and available for use on eligible medical expenses. However, you will no
            longer qualify for additional HSA contributions from any source.

        Q.  Can I participate in the Health Care FSA if I am also enrolled in the HDHP?
        A.  If you enroll in the HDHP plan, and establish an HSA, you may elect to enroll in a Limited Purpose FSA for
            2022. The Limited Purpose FSA is limited to dental and vision expenses only. After you have met the IRS
            minimum deductible under your health plan, you may convert your FSA from a Limited Purpose FSA to a
            regular FSA which may be used for qualified medical expenses. Please contact Navia to learn more.

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