Page 18 - Microsoft Word - 2020.06.25 JPLI Team Member Playbook.docx
P. 18
Jim Peplinski Leasing recognizes that individuals may find it difficult to come forward
with a complaint under this policy because of concerns of confidentiality.
Therefore, all complaints concerning workplace or sexual harassment or discrimination,
as well as the names of parties involved, shall be treated as confidential.
Jim Peplinski Leasing investigation into the alleged complaint may require limited
disclosure. No record of the complaint will be maintained in the personnel file of the
complainant. If there is a finding of improper conduct that results in disciplinary action,
it will be reflected only in the file of the person who engaged in such conduct, in the
same way as any other disciplinary action.
If you experience or witness harassment or suspicious behaviour in the workplace,
report it immediately to your manager/supervisor. If you are of the view that your
manager/supervisor is personally involved in the harassment, you should report the
matter to your manager/supervisor’s immediate manager and/or a representative of
the Human Resources Department. Your manager/supervisor, upon receiving a
complaint of harassment, will immediately contact the Human Resources Department.
In turn, the Human Resources Department will initiate an investigation in keeping with
all procedures to protect all parties and ensure objectivity, justice and confidentiality. In
your best interest, it would be important to keep notes as to the time, date, place,
details and the names of any witnesses. This documentation would assist any
investigation that will take place in response to a situation of harassment. All allegations
of harassment will be quickly and discreetly investigated. When the investigation is
completed, you will be informed of the outcome of the investigation.
August 24, 2010)
Jim Peplinski Leasing will not tolerate violence or unacceptable behaviour in the
workplace perpetrated by or against team members, clients, or other third parties. In
the event of a violent incident or unacceptable behaviour carried out by a team
member, Jim Peplinski Leasing will act to severely discipline the team member guilty of
the misconduct, up to and including discharge for cause.
Jim Peplinski Leasing shall establish programs and procedures to reduce the risk of
violence and unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. All team members are expected
to be aware of and participate in such programs and procedures, as required.
The violence and unacceptable behaviour prevention program shall include: