Page 21 - Microsoft Word - 2020.06.25 JPLI Team Member Playbook.docx
P. 21
Bullying can be defined as the repeated less favorable treatment of a person by
another or others in the workplace, which may be considered unreasonable
and inappropriate workplace practice. This can include behaviour that
intimidates, offends, degrades or humiliates a worker, possibly in front of co‐
workers, clients or customers.
Close Calls means incidents which did not result in actual physical harm but,
except for circumstance, had the potential to result in physical harm.
Minor Incident means an incident in which no one is physically harmed in any way
and which was resolved through team member or supervisory mediation.
Serious Incident means an incident in which someone was physically harmed
(whether requiring medical attention or not), or which continued or escalated after
supervisory mediation.
Risk Assessment ‐ The Manager in each Branch shall initiate a process to involve
Supervisors, team members and the Joint Health and Safety Committee or Health
and Safety Representative in assessing the risk of violence or unacceptable
behaviour in the branch on a periodic basis. A written report on the results will be
provided to all parties to the risk assessment process as well as team members.
Once the results have been analyzed by the parties, recommendations as well as
actions must be taken to remove as many risks as can be reasonably removed and
instructing team members to recognize risk. Specific written polices and
procedures must be developed to respond to any identified risks. The Workplace
Violence Risk Assessment Form shall be used for this purpose.
Instruction to Team Members and Review ‐ This policy and procedure will be
included in JPL’s Playbook for review by all new team members as part of their
orientation and will remain available to all team members. All aspects of the policy
and procedures will be reviewed annually to ensure they are effective.
Training and Education ‐ All team members are required to be educated and trained
on the contents of the policy. These training and education sessions will be
scheduled by the Branch Managers. The Training program for team members shall
The means to recognize potentially violent situations;
Procedures, work practices, agreements, and controls that have been developed
to minimize or eliminate the risk to team members;
The appropriate responses of team members to incidents of violence or
unacceptable behaviour, including how to obtain assistance;