Page 26 - Microsoft Word - 2020.06.25 JPLI Team Member Playbook.docx
P. 26

never to be used for illegal activity.

                   To  ensure  effective telephone communications, team  members  should  always use the
                    approved greeting and speak in a courteous and professional manner.

                   Voicemail notifications will be used when team members will be away from their desk
                    and/or  unable  to  respond  to  phone  calls  and  messages  for  a  period  greater  than  4
                    business hours.

                   In order to ensure ample parking for our clients, team members are not allowed to park
                   in designated customer parking areas.

                   KEYS TO THE BUILDING
                   Keys  are  issued  to  designated  individuals  within  the  Company.   Each  person  is
                   responsible for the keys issued to him or her.   They are not to be loaned to anybody
                   else,  including other team members and  no  duplicates are  to  be  made of any  issued
                   keys.  Lost keys should be reported immediately to  your manager/supervisor.

                   Equipment  and  company  vehicles  are  essential  in  accomplishing  job  duties. When
                   using  company  property/equipment,  team  members  are  expected  to  exercise  care,
                   perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards,
                   and  guidelines.  Please  notify  your  manager/supervisor  if  any  equipment,  machines,
                   tools,  or  company  vehicles  appear  to  be  damaged,  defective,  or  in  need  of  repair.
                   Prompt  reporting  of  damages,  defects,  and  the  need  for  repairs  could  prevent
                   deterioration  of  equipment  and  possible  injury  to  team  members  or  others.  The
                   manager/supervisor can  answer  any  questions  about  a  team  member's responsibility
                   for  maintenance  and  care  of  equipment  or  company  vehicles  used  on  the  job.  The
                   improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment or
                   company vehicles, as  well as excessive or avoidable traffic and  parking violations, can
                   result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

                   CLIENT TEST DRIVES
                   As good selling practices and for insurance liability, Jim Peplinski Leasing requires  each
                   client  to  be  accompanied by  a  Sales  Representative and to provide a copy of
                   their valid driver’s license when  on  a demonstration ride.   Unaccompanied
                   demonstrations must  have  management authorization.

                   DEALER PLATE POLICIES
                   Dealer  plates  shall  not  be  lent  to  anyone  without  management’s  knowledge/consent
                   and must be returned to the appropriate department immediately after use.

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