Page 108 - MNU-PM502- Pharmaeutical Microbiology Theoritical Book
P. 108

Pharm D- Clinical Pharmacy Program        Third Level          Pharmaceutical Microbiology& Antimicrobials (PM 502)

                                                Cell membrane inhibitors

                   Glycopeptides: Daptomycin

                       •  active against Gram-positive including highly resistant strains such as
                       •   NOT active against Gram-negative pathogen                          G+ve bacteria

                    ➢  Used in the treatment of systemic and life-threatening infections (S. aureus
                       bacteremia, S. aureus endocarditis)

                   ➢  Has poor activity in the lungs and should not be used to treat

                   Polymyxins: Colistin

                   Colistin is known as polymyxin E

                       •  a cationic cyclic decapeptide with a fatty acid side chain

                   Mechanism: Altering membrane permeability

                       •  The positive charge allows colistin to
                          bind  to  the  negatively  charged

                          lipopolysaccharide  molecules  in  the
                          bacterial  outer  membrane,  displacing
                          Ca   and  Mg   ions  that  normally
                          stabilize these lipids.

                       •  The  fatty  acid  tail  facilitates  further
                          insertion  of  colistin  into  the  outer

                          membrane  leading  to  increased
                          permeability and, eventually, lysis of
                          the bacterium

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