Page 68 - Visit 1
P. 68

Baština / Heritage

                         U proizvodnji koriste
                            najprofinjenije i
                         najskuplje materijale
                         poput kašmira, svile,
                          vune alpaka i lama
                           They use the finest,
                            natural and most
                          expensive materials:
                          cashmere, silk, wool,
                            alpaca wool and
                               llama wool

                                                                what we do not make. Last year we made 20.000 pieces of clothes.
                                                                We have a summer and a winter collection for every client. We have
                                                                a client who orders more than 100 different pieces per collection.
                                                                There are sweaters, scarves, hats, caps, gloves, applications, coats,
                                                                dresses, skirts, scarves…
                                                                Their work is recognised and they make clothes for six clients in
              zato što, kako kaže, predsjednica Udruženja, one to ne žele,   the US, France, Germany, Austria and Croatia.
              nego zato što nema butika koji bi mogli prodati takvu odjeću.   “You cannot buy our clothes in Bosnia and Herzegovina simply
              - Svake godine učestvujemo na Holiday Marketu, a prva reakci-  because there are no stores and boutiques that can sell them.
              ja posjetilaca, kad vide cijenu proizvoda, je: “Vidi kapa košta 30   Every year we are present at Holiday Market in Sarajevo. Visitors
              KM, a ja je mogu isplesti za sat i za puno manje novca”. Među-  ask for a price first, and then they say that 30 marks (15 euros)
              tim, nije to baš tako. Mnoge naše članice, kad su prvi put došle,   for a cap is too expensive and that they can make it alone and
              bile su ubijeđene kako znaju plesti, jer to rade godinama. Ali   save some money. The reality is different. A lot of our members
              vrlo brzo se ispostavilo da to ne znaju onako kako traži zapad-  though they could knit, because they had knitted for years. But
              noevropsko tržište. To su standardi koji se moraju poštovati.   it’s not knitting that market in Western Europe asks for. That
              Ponosne su što njihovu odjeću nose imena poput Angeline   market has standards and we have to meet them”, Škaljić said.
              Jolie, koja je za sebe i svoju djecu kupila po prsluk i šal. Legen-  Angelina Jolie bought few scarfs and vests for her and kids. Lenny
              darni muzičar Lenny Kravitz kupio je kaput.       Kravitz bought a coat.
              - Naša mušterija je i ambasadorica Francuske u BiH Claire Bo-  That’s what make them so proud.
              donyi, za koju smo izradili pončo, tuniku, ali i nekoliko džem-  “French ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, H. E. Claire
              pera za uposlenike ambasade. Sa puno naših proizvoda iz BiH   Bodonyi is out regular customer. We made a poncho and a
              otišla je i bivša ambasadorica Norveške, ali smo sretni što ono   tunic for her and sweaters for embassy’s employees. Former
              što izrađujemo nose i Maureen Cormack, ambasadorica SAD-a   Norwegian ambassador bought ‘tons’ of our clothes. We make
              i njena kćerka. Svašta su kupovale - od džempera i tunika do   clothes for the US ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E.
              kapa i rukavica. I za Božu Vreću, interpretatora sevdalinki, isplele   Maureen Cormack and her daughter. They bought a lot of things
              smo nekoliko lijepih komada, a za Jazz Fest u Sarajevu prošle   – sweaters, tunics, caps, gloves… We made few nice pieces for
              godine izradile smo kragne koje su organizatori poklanjali po-  Božo Vrećo, sevdalinka singer. We made collars for Jazz Fest in
              sjetiocima – ponosno ističe Škaljić.              Sarajevo last year. Every visitor got one”, Škaljić said.

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