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Recepti / Recipes
Burek Burek (Meat-Filled Pastry)
0,5 kg mljevenog mesa 0,5 kg minced beef,
luka i bibera po želji onion, pepper
2-3 kašike maslaca 2-3 spoons butter
so salt and flour
brašno za dvije veće jufke
1. Zakuhajte tijesto za pitu od 1. Mix dough in the bowl (flour, water
brašna, vode i soli, oblikujte u dvije and salt) make two balls, leave for ½
loptice, ostavite da stoje pola sata, hour and then stretch dough into
pa razvucite u tanke jufke. thin sheets.
2. Prelijte ih otopljenim maslacem, 2. Grease these sheets with butter,
Recepti preuzeti iz knjige „Sofra-
pa filujte isjeckanim mesom koje and put the meat mixes with onion, starinsko bosansko kulinarstvo iz
ste začinili sitno sjeckanim lukom, papper and salt. kulturološke perspektive“ autora
biberom i solju. 3. Roll these sheers, and put them prof. dr. Enesa Kujundžića.
3. Jufke urolajte, sijecite u zvrkove ili in the casserole.
rolne i redajte u tepsiju. 4. If you want to make round (slagani) The recipes are taken from the
4. Za slagani burek, jufke je najbolje burek, dough sheets has to be baked book “Sofra - starinsko bosansko
peći na plati šporeta ili sušiti na on kitchener or dried on tablecloth. kulinarstvo iz kulturološke
stolnjaku. 5. When burek is baked, grease it perspective” (Cookbook – traditional
Bosnian cookery from the cultural
5. Pečenu pitu zaliti rastopljenim with melted butter previously mixed perspective) by Dr Enes Kujundžić.
maslacom u koji ste dodali malo vode. with water.
Tufahije Tufahije (Walnut Stuffed Apples)
slatke jabuke
šećer sugar
mljeveni orasi ground walnuts
šlag od bjelanca jajeta whipped cream
1. Jabuke ogulite, pa 1. Peel apples, hollow
im izdubite sredinu. out the centre of apples
2. Napravite agdu od until it is about 3 cm
šećera i vode, pa stavite wide without going
jabuke da se kuhaju. through the bottom.
Kad su skuhane izvadite 2. Cook apples in mixed
ih na ovalni tanjir. water and sugar.
3. U malo agde prokuhajte 3. Cook walnuts in mixed
mljevene orahe, pa water and sugar. Fill
njima filujte jabuke. apples with walnuts
4. Filovane prelijte 4. Pour apples with
ostatkom agde i dressing made with water
ukrasite umućenim and sugar. Put some
šlagom od bjelanca. whipped cream on tops.
72 MART / MARCH 2017.