Page 202 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 202
about the cost. "Eat and drink," he says to you, but his heart is
not with you. (Proverbs, 23:6-7)
A stingy man is ea ger to get rich and is un a ware that pov er ty
awaits him. (Proverbs, 28:22)
He who gives to the poor will lack noth ing, but he who clos -
es his eyes to them re ceives many curs es. (Proverbs, 28:27)
You shall not... give him your food for prof it. (Leviticus,
A faith ful man will be rich ly bless ed, but one ea ger to get
rich will not go un pun ished. (Proverbs, 28:20)
The dis trict of fi cers, each in his month, sup plied pro vi sions
for King Solomon and all who came to the king's ta ble. They
saw to it that noth ing was lack ing. (1 Kings, 4:27)
Trusting in God, not in Material Power
Bestowing wealth on those who love Me and mak ing their
treas ur ies full. (Proverbs, 8:21)
Those who trust in their wealth and boast of their great rich -
es. (Psalms, 49:6)
The wealth of the rich is their for ti fied city; they im ag ine it an
im pass a ble wall. (Proverbs, 18:11)
Here now is the man who did not make God his strong hold
but trust ed in his great wealth and grew strong by de stroy ing
oth ers! (Psalms, 52:7)