Page 206 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 206
"... You take usu ry and increase and make un just gain from
your neigh bors by ex tor tion. And you have for got ten Me", de -
clares the Sovereign Lord. (Ezekiel, 22:12)
A lead er who is a great op press or lacks un der stand ing. But he
who hates un just gain will pro long his days. (Proverbs, 28:16)
He whose walk is blame less is kept safe, but he whose ways
are per verse will sud den ly fall. (Proverbs, 28:18)
Better a poor man whose walk is blame less than a rich man
whose ways are per verse. (Proverbs, 28:6)
Such is the end of all who go aft er ill-got ten gain; it takes away
the lives of those who get it. (Proverbs, 1:19)
... O Lord... Turn my heart to ward Your stat utes and not to -
ward self ish gain. (Psalms, 119:33, 36)
But his sons did not walk in his ways. They turned aside aft -
er dis hon est gain and ac cept ed bribes and per vert ed jus tice.
(1 Samuel, 8:3)
... They sell the right eous for sil ver, and the needy for a pair
of san dals. (Amos, 2:6)