Page 208 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 208


                     Lazy hands make a man poor, but dil i gent hands bring
                     wealth. (Proverbs, 10:4)

                     Go to the ant, you slug gard; con sid er its ways and be wise!
                     (Proverbs, 6:6)

                     Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shift less man goes hun -
                     gry. (Proverbs, 19:15)

                     A slug gard does not plow in sea son; so at har vest time he
                     looks but finds noth ing. (Proverbs, 20:4)

                     He who works his land will have abun dant food, but the one
                     who chas es fan ta sies will have his fill of pov er ty. (Proverbs,

                     If a man is la zy, the raft ers sag; if his hands are idle, the house
                     leaks. (Ecclesiastes, 10:18)

                     As vin e gar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes, so is a slug gard
                     to those who send him. (Proverbs, 10:26)

                     She watch es over the af fairs of her house hold and does not eat

                     the bread of idle ness. (Proverbs, 31:27)

                     ... was a man of stand ing, and when Solomon saw how well
                     the young man did his work, he put him in charge of the
                     whole la bor force... (1 Kings, 11:28)

                     The men in charge of the work were dil i gent, and the re pairs
                     pro gressed un der them... (2 Chronicles, 24:13)

                     The plans of the dil i gent lead to prof it as sure ly as has te
                     leads to pov er ty. (Proverbs, 21:5)

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