Page 203 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 203
Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)
What will you do on the day of reck on ing, when dis as ter
comes from afar? To whom will you run for help? Where
will you leave your rich es? (Isaiah, 10:3)
The days of the blame less are known to the Lord, and their in -
her it ance will en dure for ev er. In times of dis as ter they will not
with er; in days of fam ine they will en joy plen ty. But the wick -
ed will per ish: The Lord's en e mies will be like the beau ty of the
fields, they will van ish—van ish like smoke. (Psalms, 37:18-20)
Wealth is worth less in the day of wrath, but right eous ness
de liv ers from death... When a wick ed man dies, his hope per -
ish es; all he ex pect ed from his pow er comes to noth ing.
(Proverbs, 11:4, 7)
By your great skill in trad ing you have in creased your wealth,
and be cause of your wealth your heart has grown proud.
(Ezekiel, 28:5)
One man pre tends to be rich, yet has noth ing; an oth er pre tends
to be poor, yet has great wealth. A man's rich es may ran som
his life, but a poor man hears no threat. (Proverbs, 13:7-8)
Do not wear your self out to get rich; have the wis dom to show
re straint. Cast but a glance at rich es, and they are gone, for
they will sure ly sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an ea -
gle. (Proverbs, 23:4-5)
... wealth hoard ed to the harm of its own er, or wealth lost...
(Ecclesiastes, 5:13-14)
Would your wealth or even all your mighty ef forts sus tain
you so you would not be in dis tress? (Job, 36:19)