Page 204 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 204


                     Though he heaps up sil ver like dust and clothes like piles of
                     clay, what he lays up the right eous will wear, and the in no -
                     cent will di vide his sil ver. The house he builds is like a moth's
                     co coon, like a hut made by a watch man.  He lies down
                     wealthy, but will do so no more; when he opens his eyes, all
                     is gone. (Job, 27:16-19)

                                 Avoiding Unfair Earnings

                     ... Woe to him who piles up sto len goods and makes him self
                     wealthy by ex tor tion!... (Habakkuk, 2:6)

                     Be care ful that no one en tices you by rich es; do not let a large
                     bribe turn you aside. (Job, 36:18)

                     Like a par tridge that hatch es eggs it did not lay is the man
                     who gains rich es by un just means. When his life is half gone,
                     they will desert him, and in the end he will prove to be a fool.
                     (Jeremiah, 17:11)

                     Dishonest mon ey dwin dles away, but he who gath ers mon -
                     ey lit tle by lit tle makes it grow. (Proverbs, 13:11)

                     Who lends his mon ey with out usu ry and does not ac cept a
                     bribe against the in no cent. He who does these things will
                     nev er be shak en. (Psalms, 15:5)

                     Better the lit tle that the right eous have than the wealth of
                     many wick ed. (Psalms, 37:16)

                     "Woe to him who builds his pal ace by un right eous ness...
                     mak ing his coun try men work for noth ing, not pay ing them
                     for their la bor." (Jeremiah, 22:13)

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