Page 11 - Online Basic Education Student Manual
P. 11


            In  the  implementation  of  Real  Time  Virtual  Class  and/Online  Learning  Platform  and
            Modular  Learning  Modality,  wearing  of  school  uniform  starting  the  school  year  is
            WAIVED. However, the following shall be observed during Real Time Virtual Class;

                       ●  Decent Attire should be worn during Real Time Live Classes.
                       ●  Sleeveless shirts both for males and females are NOT ALLOWED.
                       ●  POLICY on ATTIRE in attending MAPEH/PE Real Time Virtual Classes
                          should be strictly observed to protect the safety of our students and pupils.
                          Shirts,  jogging  pants  and  prescribed  shoes  (if  needed)  are  required  to  be
                          worn during PE activities in Real Time Virtual Class.
                       ●  APCAS  PE  uniforms  for  New  Students  are  not  prescribed  however;  the
                          prescribed attire during PE classes should be worn.
                       ●  Old students should wear their PE uniforms during PE Real Time Virtual
                       ●  All types of Uniforms but not limited to PE uniforms and school/program
                          shirts of other schools of Bataan or outside Bataan should NOT be worn in
                          attending Virtual classes and such cannot be used in any videos/pictures as
                          product/output in all subjects.
                       ●  APCAS School IDs shall be worn during Real Time Virtual Classes.


            In any case that a student/pupil will not be able to perform the activities required during
            PE  virtual  classes,  parent  or  guardian  must  submit  an  original  copy  of  a  medical
            certificate issued by a doctor who specializes on the concerned physical condition of the
            student/pupil. The soft copy of the medical certificate shall be sent via email to the office
            of  the  Principal  using  the  assigned  G  Suite  account  which  will  be  announced  during
            orientation of students and pupils.

            However, exemption on physical activity means that a consideration will be given to the
            concerned      student/pupil      by    assigning      an    equivalent      output/product      for
            submission/compliance to meet the prescribed learning competency of the subject.

            ONLINE BASIC EDUCATION STUDENT MANUAL                                                 11
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