Page 78 - my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
P. 78
Deepak Gupta my SUCCESS! my CHOICE
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“Again, well-articulated Dan.” Ron complimented. “Let us stay with your food analogy;
assume that you and Betsy go out for dinner; she wants to eat the spicy Indian food while you
want French. There is a conflict?” “Are your and Betsy’s needs different? Probably not – you
both want to have a meal, enjoying each other’s company in a nice cozy place. Despite your
needs being same, there is a conflict.”
Dan thought briefly and asked, “So what really causes the conflict Ron – want or need? If
our needs are the same, then there should be no conflict.”
“Good question. Let us see this dichotomy with a rather simple yet the most powerful
illustration I have come across.”
“Mary and Miranda, twin sisters lived with their parents. One day they both came to the
kitchen, each wanting an orange. Unfortunately, there was only one orange left: conflict! The
loving sisters that they were, they decided to compromise, shared the orange equally by cutting
it into 2 parts and went about their business happily: conflict resolved. So, it seemed! Not true
though if we examine their needs.”
“Mary’s ‘need’ was to make orange juice; she made the juice and threw the rind. Miranda’s
‘need’ was to make orange cake; she ground the rind and threw the pulp.”
“Splitting the orange equally appeared to be a good solution till their needs were known. In
reality, half orange was wasted and they both shared only the other half!
Both could have got a full orange if they had gone beyond their wants and discussed their
needs – Mary full pulp for the juice and Miranda full rind for the cake.” “While their wants,