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The Endeavour                                                             
                                             The Endeavour

                                Special Edition of the Occassion of 75th Independence Day

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                                          KOLKATA, SUNDAY, 15 AUGUST 2021                                  Rs. 4.00

         VJRC on 75th                                           On Independence Day
         day                                                                  - Dr. Rajyasri Neogy, Principal, Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College
         Kolkata, 15th August,
         2021:  Vijaygarh Jyotish    oday is August 15.  their business. Many  trolled from Britain.  But at the end of all  The Quit India Move-
         Ray College arranged a   TOn behalf of the  nations including En-        Although they were  darkness, there is light.  ment started in 1942
         midnight cultural pro-
         gramme in the occasion   College, I would like  glish, Dutch, French,  not in large numbers  Many of the ancestors  through which the
         of 75th Independance    to extend my heartfelt  Portuguese, came here  but, their diplomacy  could not accept this  British Raj was forced
         Day.                    greetings to all the citi- for business opportu-  and the wrong deci-    oppression. The Brit-   to bow down. Even-
         Sutapa Ghosh Dosti-     zens on the occasion of  nities. But in                                           ishers tried  tually they left this
         dar  sang  the  opening   the 75th Independence  1690, the cloud                                          to   trample   country and India was
         song then, Dr. Arnab                            of disaster ap-                                           the   self-es-
         Kumar Banerjee re-      Day of India.                                                                                    declared an indepen-
         cited and introduced    The history  of India  proached In-                                               teem     and   dent state. But yes, we
         the principal of VJRC,   has witnessed that,  dia's fortunes.                                             self-respect  all know that history.
         Dr. Rajyasri Neogy.     our country was liber- The East India                                             of the Indian  So, I'm not going to
         The bilingual newspa-   ated from the grip of  Company ar-                                                underfoot,  debate on what is right
         per, 'Journalist', the Ben-  British rule after 200  rived in India                                       but they pro-
         gali language newspaper                                                                                                  and what is wrong.
         'Sangbad   Annweshan'   years of blood spilled  in the name of                                            tested. Some-  On the 75th anniver-
         got introduced after and   struggle. At midnight  trade but with                                          times, they  sary of independence,
         the English newspaper   on 15 August 1947,  the strategy of                                               p r o te s te d  I would like to say that
         'The Endeavour' was     India emerged as an  exploiting the                      Red Fort                 through rev-   India means 'Unity in
         introduced.             independent country.  Indians. At that                Source: Google             olution some-   Diversity' to all the
         As the midnight arrived,   Due to the geograph- time, no one                                             times    their  independent  citizens
         a video with the national   ical location of our  understood what was  sions of some selfish  pens roared in the pag-
         anthem was shown and                                                                                                     of independent In-
         everyone celebrated In-  country, it  has  been  going to happen in the  ancestors of this coun-  es of newspapers, only  dia. The dress, food,
         dependance Day.         suitable for  trade and  days to  come. Gradu-   try plunged the then  to liberate this country  language and thought
         Thereafter, many pro-   commerce since time  ally the British started  Indians slowly into the  from the hands of the  of each state may be
         fessors and students    immemorial, that is  establishing their colo-    chains of subjugation.  British. Small isolat-  different, but our final
         performed songs, recita-  why foreigners have set  nies all over India. The  Cruel and boundless  ed movements started  identity is that we are
         tions and dance while,   foot on the soil of this  administration of In-  oppression continued  emerging and formed  Indans.
         some mentionable peo-   country to accelerate  dia started to be con-    for almost 200 years.  a larger movement.       Continued, 14
         ple gave speeches.

                 1947 to present- sports

                                                          -Ishika Chakraborty

           ndia has a very rich  P.T. Usha won multiple  India has won gold in
        Ihistory in sports and is  gold medals in different  all the Asian Games in
         still pertaining onto it.  editions of Asian Games  kabaddi excepting 2018
         Until the mid-1970s,  and Asian  Athletics  Asian Games where
         India men's team domi- Championships.           they got bronze. India
         nated international field  Considered one of the  won the Kabaddi World
         hockey, winning seven  most ancient and old-    Championship in 2007.
         Olympic gold medals  est sports in the world,  Board     Games     like
         and won the 1975 Men's  wrestling in India has a   Bridge, Carrom, Ludo
         Hockey World Cup.  glorious past. Recently,  and Snakes and ladders
         Since then, barring a  India has won two med-   are very popular across
         gold medal at the 1980  als, 1 silver and 1 bronze  India and are widely
         Olympics, and a bronze  through  Ravi Dahiya  played. India has won 3
         medal at Tokyo 2020  and  Bajrang Punia re-     medals, including one
         Olympics, India's per- spectively.              Gold in Bridge com-
         formance in field hockey  The  India  national  petition at 2018 Asian
         has been dismal. Since   cricket team has won  Games.
         the mid-2010s the men's  major tournaments, in-  Boxing is a highly pro-
         team has undergone a  cluding the 1983 Crick-   filed sport in India, and
         gradual revival at the re- et World Cup, the 2007  although  it  is  a  regu-
         gional, continental, and  ICC World Twenty20,  lar   medal-holder   at
         global stage  winning  the 2011 Cricket World   the  Asian Games  and
         2014 Asian Games gold.  Cup and the 2013 ICC  Commonwealth Games.
         Milkha Singh was the  Champions Trophy.         During the 2008 Bei-
         only athlete to win gold  Indian  shuttlers  Saina  jing Olympics Vijender
         at 400 metres at the  Nehwal, K. Srikanth  Singh won a bronze
         Asian Games as well  and P.V. Sindhu are  medal. India's lone fe-
         as the Commonwealth  good players. Saina Ne-    male boxer, M.C. Mary
         Games. P.T. Usha reach  hwal is the first female  Kom, won the bronze
         the finale of Women's  player from India to  medal at the 2012 Lon-
         400 metres hurdles at  achieve World no.1 spot  don Olympic Games.
         1984 Summer Olympics.  in April 2015.
                                                                                                           Source: Abhisek Roy
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