Page 75 - Vegan
P. 75



        These frittatas are perfect to have as a side with a bigger meal or to just grab on the go! Feel free
        to put whatever in there you want, but this combo is  ust perfect. The chopped olives really tie it
        all together.


        •     cups (   g) chickpea flour                                           Makes 12  frittatas
        •     cups (   ml) water
        •   -   tsp salt                                                          62  calories per serving
        •   tsp onion powder
        •   tsp black pepper                                                      Macros:
        •   cup (  g) frozen mi ed                                                3g Protein 9g Carbs 1g Fat
        veggies (ie  corn, peas)
        •   green onion, chopped                   METHOD
        •   a red or green bell pepper,            Preheat Oven to     F and prepare a muffin tin.
        chopped                                     . Whisk together chickpea flour and water in a medium
        •   cup (  . g) olives, chopped            sized mi ing bowl.
        • handful of cilantro (or herb of           . Add the rest of the ingredients and mi  well.
        choice), chopped                            . Scoop a large spoonful of mi ture into the prepared
        • handful of parsley, chopped              muffin tin, filling to the top. Top with sliced cherry tomatoes.
        • cherry tomatoes, sliced                   . Bake at    F for    minutes or until cooked through and
        (optional garnish)                         turning golden brown on top.
                                                    . Remove from the oven and let cool before serving. Makes
                                                   appro imately    frittatas.
                                                    . The frittatas can be stored in an airtight container in the
                                                   fridge for up to   days. They can also be frozen as well.

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