Page 56 - Orwell, George - Nineteen eighty-four -bilingüe [pdf]
P. 56
George Orwell 1 9 8 4 55
whether his sister had been born then. Finally hubiera nacido por entonces. Por último,
they had emerged into a noisy, crowded place desembocaron a un sitio ruidoso y atestado de gente,
which he had realized to be a Tube station. una estación de Metro.
There were people sitting all over the stone- Muchas personas se hallaban sentadas en el suelo de
flagged floor, and other people, packed tightly piedra y otras, arracimadas, se habían instalado en
together, were sitting on metal bunks, one above diversos objetos que llevaban. Winston y sus padres
the other. Winston and his mother and father encontraron un sitio libre en el suelo y junto a ellos
found themselves a place on the floor, and near un viejo y una vieja se apretaban el uno contra el
them an old man and an old woman were sitting otro. El anciano vestía un buen traje oscuro y una
side by side on a bunk. The old man had on a boina de paño negro bajo la cual le asomaba
decent dark suit and a black cloth cap pushed abundante cabello muy blanco. Tenía la cara
back from very white hair: his face was scarlet enrojecida; los ojos, azules y lacrimosos. Olía a
and his eyes were blue and full of tears. He ginebra. Ésta parecía salírsele por los poros en vez
reeked of gin. It seemed to breathe out of his skin del sudor y podría haberse pensado que las lágrimas
in place of sweat, and one could have fancied que le brotaban de los ojos eran ginebra pura. Sin
that the tears welling from his eyes were pure embargo, a pesar de su borrachera, sufría de algún
gin. But though slightly drunk he was also dolor auténtico e insoportable. De un modo infantil,
suffering under some grief that was genuine and Winston comprendió que algo terrible, más allá del
unbearable. In his childish way Winston grasped perdón y que jamás podría tener remedio, acababa de
that some terrible thing, something that was ocurrirle al viejo. También creía saber de qué se
beyond forgiveness and could never be remedied, trataba. Alguien a quien el anciano amaba, quizás
had just happened. It also seemed to him that he alguna nietecita, había muerto en el bombardeo.
knew what it was. Someone whom the old man Cada pocos minutos, repetía el viejo:
loved —a little granddaughter, perhaps— had
been killed. Every few minutes the old man kept
'We didn't ought to 'ave trusted 'em. I said so, — No debíamos habernos fiado de ellos. ¿Verdad
Ma, didn't I? That's what comes of trusting 'em. I que te lo dije, abuelita? Nos ha pasado esto por
said so all along. We didn't ought to 'ave trusted fiarnos de ellos. Siempre lo he dicho. Nunca debimos
the buggers.' confiar en esos canallas.
But which buggers they didn't ought to have Lo que Winston no podía recordar es a quién se
trusted Winston could not now remember. refería el viejo y quiénes eran esos de los que no
había que fiarse.
Since about that time, war had been literally Desde entonces, la guerra había sido continua,
continuous, though strictly speaking it had not aunque hablando con exactitud no se trataba siempre
always been the same war. For several months de la misma guerra. Durante algunos meses de su
during his childhood there had been confused infancia había habido una confusa lucha callejera en
street fighting in London itself, some of which he el mismo Londres y él recordaba con toda claridad
remembered vividly. But to trace out the history algunas escenas. Pero hubiera sido imposible
of the whole period, to say who was fighting reconstruir la historia de aquel período ni saber quién
whom at any given moment, would have been luchaba contra quién en un momento dado, pues no
utterly impossible, since no written record, and quedaba ningún documento ni pruebas de ninguna
no spoken word, ever made mention of any other clase que permitieran pensar que la disposición de