Page 386 - Bonhams Fine Chinese Art Nov 2013 London
P. 386
380 † W
A very fine pair of large famille rose fishbowls
Each of globular form set with a pair of relief lion-mask handles, rising
to the waisted neck and flaring rim, supported on a spreading foot,
the main border colourfully enamelled in red, white, blue, yellow green,
rose, brown and gilt with sprays of peony, chrysanthemum, magnolia
and aster issuing from gnarled branches amidst rockwork, all between
the foot variously enamelled with lappets or ruyi and red-enamelled
lotus scroll, the shoulders with a cloud scroll alternating with flower
heads also on the wide rim, the neck similarly decorated with floral
sprays below the rim edge with a classic scroll, the interior superbly
enamelled with fish swimming amidst aquatic plants, wood stands.
63cm (24¾in) wide (4).
£75,000 - 85,000
HK$930,000 - 1,100,000 CNY740,000 - 840,000
清乾隆 粉彩花卉紋雙獅耳大缸一對
382 | Bonhams