Page 86 - FYP Abstract BETA Mech, Mechatronics, MD_Neat
P. 86
Final Year Project 2020/2021
Design and Fabrication of Drain
Rubbish Collector
Student’s Name: Tajul Fakhrul Razi Bin Tajul 'Urus
Supervisor’s Name: Khairul Akmal Shamsuddin
Supervisor’s Email:
Abstract Using human laborers to clean a drain seems unethical and leads to a high risk of
them catching infections or poisoning due to large amounts of waste and chemicals in the drain.
The objective of this study is to develop a project that will help with the problem that is facing
with the rubbish in the drain so it can filter the rubbish in the drain. This machine is an
automated drain cleaning system that lets fluids flow through it but catches large solid waste
like bottles and plastic that will accumulate it. This will help drain cleaners to just clean these
drain cleaning systems installed at points instead of cleaning the entire drain flow.
Keywords Design, Fabrication, FEA analysis, DC motor, Bucket conveyer,
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Mechanical (Automotive) 84
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Mechatronics (Automotive)
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) in Mechanical Design