Page 52 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
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APEC Voices of the Future 2020 Webinar
            The APEC Voices 2020 Webinar was telecast live on
            YouTube on 30 November 2020 during the Malaysian
            chairmanship  of  APEC  in  2020.  Mr  James  Soh,  Co-
            Chair, APEC Voices Leadership Council, delivered the
            welcome  address  viewed  by  more  than  400  youth
            leaders from the 21 APEC Member Economies. H.E.
            Tan Sri Datuk Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, Executive
            Director,  APEC  Secretariat,  welcomed  the  APEC
            Voices Youth Leaders to share their future concerns
            in  the  Asia  Pacific  region.  APEC  Leaders  had  the
            opportunity  to hear the youth  voices  of  the 21    The APEC Voices 2020 Webinar hosted by ITE College Central.
            APEC Member Economies - to help develop a more
            vibrant and dynamic Asia Pacific. Dato Rohana Tan
            Sri Mahmood, Chair of the APEC Business Advisory
            Council of Malaysia, encouraged the youth leaders to
            work with their respective ABAC Members to build
            a cohesive environment that will benefit the entire

            The panellists comprised Mr Alvin Tan, Minister of
            State for Trade and Industry and Culture, Community
            and  Youth;  Dr  Noeleen  Heyzer,  United  Nation’s
            Secretary-General’s  High-Level  Advisory  Board
            Member;  and  Mr  Ho  Meng  Kit,  Chief  Executive
            Officer, Singapore Business Federation and Member,
            APEC  Business  Advisory  Council  of  Singapore.  Mr   APEC  Voices  representatives  from  the  21  APEC  Member
                                                              Economies participated in the APEC Voices 2020 Webinar.
            Viswa Sadasivan, Former NMP and Chief Executive
            Officer,  Strategic  Moves  Pte  Ltd,  moderated  the
            panel  discussion.  Youth  leaders  from  the  21  APEC
            Member  Economies  engaged  the  panellists  on  the
            state  of the world economies, trade policies,  the
            impact  of  COVID-19  on  the  economies  and  youth.
            Their  concerns  caught  the  attention  of  the  APEC
            Leaders and ABAC Members.

            H.E. Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand,
            delivered her closing speech and welcome the APEC
            Voices delegates to participate in the APEC Leaders
            Meeting 2021 hosted by New Zealand. Next year’s   H.E. Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand, welcome
            meeting will be a virtual event.                  the APEC Voices of the Future to participate in the APEC 2021
                                                              hosted by New Zealand in November 2021.

            Foreign Ambassadors’ Reception 2020
            H.E. James Sinclair, Ambassador of Chile to Singapore
            and  Dean  of  the  Diplomatic  Corp  of  Singapore,
            invited NYAA Executive Director, Mr James Soh and
            Ms  Aileen  Yap,  Deputy  Executive  Director,  to  the
            Ambassador’s Reception on 23 January 2020 held at
            the Singapore Polo Club. It was a night of meeting
            many  Ambassador  Friends  and  supporters  of  the
            NYAA and new Ambassadors who started their new
            postings in Singapore.

                                                              High  Commissioners  of  Canada  and  New  Zealand  with
                                                              Ambassador  of  Ireland  and  Thailand    and  NYAA  Executive
                                                              Director at an event hosted by the Dean of the Diplomatic Corp
                                                              of Singapore, Ambassador James Sinclair of Chile.

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