Page 48 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 48

To Singapore: Matterhorn, Love from
            To thank Singapore and NYAA for their partnership
            and  friendship  over  the  last  20  years,  Switzerland
            honoured Singapore  with an impressive  visual
            effort  of  the  Singapore  state  flag  projected  at  the
            Matterhorn peak. It was indeed a magnificent sight.
            Deputy  Prime  Minister  Heng  Swee  Keat  thanked
            the Swiss government for its kind gesture of casting
            the  Singapore  National  Flag  on  the  most  famous
            mountain in Switzerland.

                                                              Singapore  flag  projected  on  the  famous  Swiss  mountain,
            NYAA Gold Award Holder Contribution during        the  Matterhorn,  to  commemorate  the  partnership  between
            the Singapore General Election 2020               Singapore and Switzerland over the last 20 years.
            Channel  News  Asia  invited  Assoc  Prof  Eugene  Tan,
            former NYAA  Council  Member  and  a  law  professor
            with the Singapore Management University and Dr
            Mustafa  Izzuddin,  NYAA  Gold  Award  holder  and  a
            lecturer with the National University of Singapore to
            analyse the results of the Singapore General Election.
            It  was  broadcast  live  on  national  TV  as  the  results
            streamed in.

            Both  Professor  Tan  and  Dr  Mustafa  offered  the
            viewers a balanced view and analysis of Singapore’s
            general election.                                 Singapore General Election 2020 analysed by two NYAA leaders
                                                              on national TV as the election results streamed in.


            The NYAA Council believes in the importance of grooming and developing our young leaders for a more critical
            role in the future. To achieve this, the Council provides opportunities and platforms for them to interact with
            government ministers, government officials and business leaders.

            The NYAA Council works closely with foreign governments and international agencies to enable our youth
            leaders to interact with the global community. Through these international exposures, our youth leaders
            acquire  new  experiences,  create  alliances  and  gain  different  perspectives.  These  enjoyable  learning  and
            bonding  experiences  generate  friendship,  understanding  and  valuable  impressions.  By  providing  these
            international networks, the NYAA encourages and equips youth leaders to be responsible for their future.
            These activities and opportunities continued in 2020.

            New United Nations Environment Assembly’s
            H.E.  Sveinung  Rotevatn  was  elected  President  for
            the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment
            Assembly  in  2020.  H.E.  Rotevatn  was  the  former
            Minister of Climate and the Environment of Norway.
            The  NYAA  Singapore  congratulated  H.E.  Sveinung
            Rotevatn for being elected as President of the UNE
            Assembly  and  pledged  our  support  and  offered  to
            work closely with the UNEA under his leadership.

                                                              H.E.  Sveinung  Rotevatn,  former  Minister  of  Climate  and  the
                                                              Environment of Norway, was elected the President for the Fifth
                                                              Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly in 2020.

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