Page 49 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 49

The International Ice and Snow Festival 2020,
            Heilongjiang Province, China
            The  NYAA  was  invited  by  the  Harbin  Municipal
            People’s Government to the Official Opening of the
            Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival 2020. The
            eight-member Singapore delegation led by Mr James
            Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Council was in Harbin
            City from 3 to 7 January 2020.  The delegation was
            warmly  received  by  the  Mayor  of  Harbin  City.  The
            Mayor hosted Mr Sun Zhe and Mr Soh to breakfast.

            Mr Soh and Mr Liu Thai Ker, the former Chief Planner
            of Singapore were invited to address the Singapore
            Day  event.  The  Guest  of  Honour  at  this  event  was
            The Honourable Vice-Mayor of Harbin City, Mr Huang
            Wei. Mr Liu made a presentation on what makes a
            city ‘liveable’ and successful.  His presentation  was
            well  received  by  the  600  guests  who  attended  the
            event held ay Wanda Jiahua Hotel Grand Ballroom.
                                                              Official Opening of the International Ice and Snow Festival 2020,
                                                              Harbin City.
            The Singapore delegation called on The Honourable
            Mr Cheng Zhi Ming, Vice-Governor of The People’s
            Government  of  Heilongjiang  Province,  at  the
            Governor’s  Mansion  in  Harbin  City.  At  the  Official
            Opening of the International Ice and Snow Festival
            attended by Ministers and Ambassadors representing
            more  than  70  nations,  the  organisers  honoured
            Singapore  by    displaying  the  Singapore  Flag  when
            the  Master-of-Ceremony  welcomed  the  Singapore

            The  NYAA  also  facilitated  two  meetings  for  ITE
            Singapore  to  explore  potential  partnership  and
            internship for ITE students with the Institutes of higher   Mr  James  Soh,  Executive  Director,  NYAA  Council  receiving  a
            learning in Harbin City in Harbin City, China. The ITE   gift  on  behalf  of  NYAA  Singapore  from  The  Honourable  Mr
            Singapore was represented by Mr Chong Leong Fatt,   Cheng Zhi Ming, Vice-Governor of The People’s Government of
                                                              Heilongjiang at the Governor’s Mansion, Harbin City, China.
            Deputy  Principal  of  ITE  College  Central  and  Dr  Lim
            See Yew, Senior Director, School of Engineering, ITE
            College Central.

                                                              The signing of the memorandum of understanding between the
                                                              NYAA Singapore and the Communist Youth League of Harbin City.
            The NYAA delegation visiting the Harbin Robotics Group at Harbin
            City, China.

                                                              Mr James Soh, Executive Director, NYAA Singapore, addressing
                                                              Singapore Day at the Wanda Jiahua Hotel Ballroom.

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