Page 47 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 47

HSBC/NYAA ITE SMEs UN SDG Initiative 2020
            The  NYAA  Council,  in  partnership  with  the  ITE  and
            with the support of SMEs, embarked on a UN SDG
            Initiative  to  mitigate  climate  change.  There  was  an
            alliance  of  the  students  of  the  three  ITE  Colleges
            and support from 15 SMEs to find solutions in the
            mitigation of climate change. The ITE students were
            attached to the SMEs  and  worked closely  with  the
            SME management teams to find new ways to help
            their businesses mitigate climate change and develop   The UN SDG Initiative to mitigate Climate Change discussion with
            win-win  solutions.  The  students  will  complete  the   ITE Directors from the three mega colleges held at ITE College
            year-long project in early 2021.                  East.

            Workshop Cum Presentation for SMEs Bosses
            Thirty-five  Directors  and  senior  managers  from
            20  SMEs  attended  a  workshop-cum-presentation
            conducted by Professor Jeff Obbard, Climate Change
            Advisor  to  the  NYAA  Council.  The  workshop  cum
            presentation was held on 21 February 2020 at the ITE
            College East.

            Mr  James  Soh,  Executive  Director,  NYAA  Council,
            thanked the bosses and senior management of the
            participating SMEs for their partnership with ITE. The   Prof Jeff Obbard, Climate Change Advisor to the NYAA Council,
                                                              addressing  the  SME  owners  and  managers  on  the  UN  SDG
            project will allow ITE students to learn and experience   initiative.
            the  SMEs  operations  and  have  the  opportunity
            to discuss  how they can improve  some of the
            operational systems to achieve the UN Sustainability
            Development Goals.

            Canadian Film Festival 2020
            After  a  two-year  hiatus,  the  High  Commission  of
            Canada  and  the  National  University  of  Singapore
            Office  of  Alumni  Relations  presented  the  Canadian
            Film  Festival  2020.  Unfortunately,  due  to  the   NYAA  Executive  Director,  Mr  James  Soh  with  the  ITE
                                                              Environmental  Team  and  Representatives  of  the  Small  and
            COVID-19 pandemic, only 30 guests were invited to   Medium Enterprises at ITE College East.
            the Official Opening on 17 December 2020 held at
            the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.

            The film Grizzlies was an inspiring true story about
            a  group  of  Inuit  students  in  the  small  Arctic  town
            who  had  lost  their  direction  and  the  will  to  live.
            However,  there  was  a  transformation  when  they
            come together to embrace the sport, Lacrosse. The
            film was nominated for the Canadian Screen Award
            for Best Performance by an actor in the leading role.

            Mr  James  Soh,  Executive  Director  and  Ms  Aileen
            Yap,  Deputy  Executive  Director,  NYAA  Council
            was  honoured  to  join  H.E.  Lynn  McDonald,  High
            Commissioner  of  Canada  to  Singapore  and  Mr
            Bernard Toh, Director of NUS Alumni, for the Official
                                                              With  H.E.Lynn  McDonald,  High  Commissioner  of  Canada  to
                                                              Singapore, at the Official Opening OF THE Canadian Film Festival
                                                              2020 at the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.

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