Page 61 - NYAA Annual Report 2020
P. 61

NYAA Honorary Gold Award Recipient 2020,
            Darren Tan Tho Eng
            On  15  December  2020,  80  youths  received  their
            NYAA Gold Award from President Halimah Yacob at
            Tanah Merah Prison. One of the 80 recipients was Mr
            Darren Tan, who was jailed for ten years and received
            19 strokes of the cane for gang activities and drugs
            offences. Darren is a Bronze and Silver Award holder,
            and he could not complete his Gold Award after his
            release from prison. However, that did not deter him
            from serving the community actively after his release
            from prison, and  he graduated with a law degree
            from NUS.

            The  NYAA  has  been  following  Darren’s  progress
            and  is  very  encouraged  that  he  actively  serve  the   Mr Darren Tan received the Honorary NYAA Gold Award from
            community. Accordingly, the NYAA Council proposed   President Halimah Yacob.
            to grant him an Honorary Gold Award for his service
            and  contribution  to  society.  In  addition,  the  year
            2020 marks a key milestone of the NYAA Programme
            in  prison  as  we  celebrated  the  20th  Anniversary
            of the NYAA  Programme  in  prison.  The ceremony
            was  attended  physically  by  Assoc  Prof  Muhammad
            Faishal  Ibrahim,  Minister  of  State  for  Home  Affairs
            and National Development; Mr John Ting, Chairman,
            NYAA  Council;  Mr  James  Soh,  Executive  Director;
            and Ms Aileen Yap, Deputy Executive Director, NYAA
            In another two separate locations, Ambassador Teng   “The values that  I  gained  from the NYAA
            Theng Dar, Singapore’s Ambassador to the Sultanate   programme almost two decades ago continue
            of  Oman  and  Chairman,  Visionedge  Technologies   to serve me well  even today - the spirit  of
            Pte  Ltd  and  Mr  Chim  Hou  Yan,  Managing  Director,   excellence, resilence, and most of  all,  to be
            Hilborne  Law  LLP,  presented  the  Bronze  and  Silver   of  service  to  others.  These are  values  that
            Awards to the young offenders.                       will no doubt be passed on to each suceeding
                                                                 generation  of  youths  through  the  NYAA
                                                                                                                 Darren Tan Tho Eng

            IntellIlex Stacks
            Many NYAA Gold Award holders are contributing to
            society  in  different  ways.  In  September  2020,  the
            Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao and MediaCorp featured
            six NYAA Gold Award holders for their achievements
            and  contributions  to  society.  What  NYAA    invested
            in  these  young  people  has  produced  very  positive

            Mr Chang Zi Qian, an NYAA Gold Award holder(2006
            Cohort) and co-founder of Intellilex Stacks, developed
            an  envisioned  AI  application  to  help  lawyers  sort
            documents  within  minutes  in  preparation  for  the
            court.  The  company  he  co-founded  is  an  AI-driven
            knowledge  management  platform  for  professionals
            to maximise their collective knowledge intelligently.
            His invention has benefited many law firms, big and
            small, in Singapore.
                                                                     Mr Chang Zi Qian, Co-founder of Intellilex Stacks.

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