P. 109
A. Development of the Model
This research aims to establish a multipurpose assessment model for teaching
EFL writing in a blended learning context. The multipurpose assessment model is
an assessment model that generates intended text-based feedback for students and
lecturers as a basis for learning continuous improvement, particularly in writing
instruction, equipped with a collection of approved instruments, including
assessment instruments, learning instruments, scoring criteria, and manual
procedures. Educators have developed several research-design models, including
the McKenney, Wademen, Reeve, and Plomp models. Each has strengths and
limitations when utilized to build a specific model or product for instructional
purposes. Consequently, the researcher employed Plomp's (2013) design-based
study, recognized as a particularly relevant study model for increasing educational
quality in clear and systematic methods per the researcher's development process.
The Plomp Design-based Research (DBR) Model can assist educators in
developing an efficient learning process employing teaching-learning models,
teaching materials, teaching media, and assessment tools. "Design research as a
research design is appropriate for developing an intervention (such as programs,
teaching-learning strategies, and material, products, and systems) as a solution to
complex educational problems," according to Plomp (2013). (p. 15). It consists of
three stages: preliminary research, development, and assessment. Therefore, the