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development model included preliminary research, model formulation, model
development, trial and modification, and product completion.
The researcher integrated classroom action research (CAR) within the design-
based research framework to achieve the research objective. CAR originated
in social sciences as an iterative and participatory technique. On the other hand,
design-based research is a specific subject within educational research that uses the
design of educational interventions to both demonstrate and develop learning
theories. Design-based and action research uses an iterative process model in which
interventions and analysis are carried out sequentially (Hevner & Chatterjee, 2010;
Majgaard et al., 2011). According to Majgaard (2011), the inclusion of action
research and design-based research enhances the design process by recognizing the
input and co-design capabilities of users, establishing a robust pre-analysis,
employing an iterative approach, facilitating the gradual emergence of learning
goals, actively involving users in the design process, and fostering learning
throughout the design phase.
In this study, the researcher employed collaborative action
research, recognized as a valuable approach for establishing a relationship between
the researcher and lecturers. Adopting collaborative action research aligns to
bridge the traditional gap between research and practice, particularly for educators
and researchers (Bruce et al., 2011). Kemmist and McTaggar created the earliest
CAR procedures. The researcher believes that the aspect of action research is
relevant to her research because it aids in investigating, developing, and
implementing relevant tasks to promote formative writing processes, particularly in