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and the teachings of Islam as a whole. Meanwhile, an ideal human

           according to custom is a human who adheres to a life system that
           comes from natural philosophy, namely the takambang nature as a

           teacher.  The  two  concepts  above  are  united  in  a  form  and  are

           poured  into  a  mamangan  which  reads  as  follows  Adat  basandi
           syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah. Among its characteristics are:

                  a.  Thinking  rationally;  Mamangan  adat  states  basabab
                      Bakarano (cause and effect), meaning that the Minang

                      community  adheres  to  the  law  of  causality  like  this
                      natural  law,  meaning  that  an  action  will  have  a  risk

                      according  to  the  cause.  This  action  can  be  analyzed

                      rationally in accordance with the way of thinking. Other
                      mamangan  strengthen  it  by:  malompek  basitumpu,

                      mcancang  balandasan  (jumping  on  the  ground,
                      chomping  on  the  ground).  This  means  that  before

                      committing an act, clear and strong reasons must be the
                      basis for the action taken.

                  b.  Passionate about ijtihad, which means trying to find the

                      truth; It is depicted in the following diagram: Panghulu
                      barajo  ka  mufakat,  mufakat  barajo  kanan  bana,  nan

                      bana  bardiri  sandirinyo  (penghulu  obeys  consensus,

                      consensus obeys the truth, what is right (al Haq) stands
                      on  its  own.  This  is  manifested  by  an  attitude  that  is
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