P. 115
➢ In the adat tradition it is stated that the bajawek
pusako, warih batarimo. Pusaka is regulated
according to the mother's lineage which is more for
girls and inheritance is regulated according to
religious rules which are more for boys). Such
arrangements are carried out properly and are not
➢ Respect others; In the customary tradition, it is
stated that nan ketek is loved, nan tuo is respected
(the little one is loved, the old one is respected). By
realizing that other people have the same
credibility as him, this has an impact on mutual
respect for fellow members of the community.
1. Educational Stream
Of the three educational theories introduced by
educational experts in chapter II such as the theory of
nativism, empiricism and convergence including Islamic
convergence, it can be said that in general education can be
carried out on students. There are those who argue that
children born into the world are like white paper and do not
bring anything, on the other hand there are also those who
argue that children have potentials that are ready to be
developed, then a middle way emerges with the opinion that