P. 119
ُنْيِِّدلا َكِل ِ ه اللّ قلَخِل َل َ لَ اهْيَل ساَّنلا يِتلا ِ ه اللّ ا نْيِِّدلِل مِقَا
ٰ ُۙ ْ
َن ْ وُمَل َ لَ ِ ساَّنلا رَثكَا َّنِكل مِّيَقلا
ُ ِ
"So turn your face to the religion of Allah (by
bringing) your nature."(QS.30:30)
The fitrah referred to in the Qur'an is explained by the
following hadith:
ْ ْ
ِهِنا ِهِنا ِهِنا ُها ،ِةرطِفلا ىَل دَل ٍد ْ ول ُّل
"Every child who is born carries a fitrah, it is his
father and mother who make him a Jew, Christian or
Magian"(Hadith narrated by Bukhari Muslim)
According to the Qur'an and the hadith above that
humans are born with abilities called potential or fitrah. It is
the mother's father who is the first environment that shapes the
child's self-development, as well as the opinion of education
experts. The same thing is also expressed in the customary
If karuah aia is upstream,
until you muaro karuah juo.
Furthermore, the existence of the Minang people is
widely spread in big cities throughout Indonesia, even to
60 Idrus Hakimy, 1000 Proverbs-Petitih Mamang-Bidal, p. 30, which
means: If the water is cloudy upstream, up to the estuary it is also cloudy.