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world of the text, the world of the researcher himself or
creates a new world.
3. The researcher interprets the visible meaning and tries
to understand the hidden meaning of the text, so that it
is possible to get a new interpretation.
E. Researcher Limitations
Research on the traditional concept of education faces
limitations due to missing links, including:
1. There are not many written relics in Minang traditional
2. Minang customs (Minangkabau culture) do not have
their own writings, so it is difficult to trace the original
source and the year of occurrence, as a result it creates
polemics. If the Minang customary law that applies
until now comes from tambo, why is the history in the
tambo less considered valid or the truth is only 2%.
F. Writing system
The results of this study are written in five chapters and
each chapter is described into the following sub-chapters:
First Chapter, concerning the introduction that presents the
background of the problem, problem formulation, problem
limitation, research objectives and benefits, research methods and
writing systematics.