P. 17

"ta'dib" refers to understanding ('ilm), teaching (ta'lim) and

                  good parenting (tarbiyah).
                          From historical sources, these two words, namely

                  ta'dib and tarbiyah, were popular in their respective times.

                  The word "ta'dib" was more widely used during the golden
                  age  of  the  Abbasid  dynasty.  While  the  word  "tarbiyah",

                  appears  after  the  word  education  in  English  is  used  in
                  modern  times.  From  the  information  given  by  Naquib

                  above that ta'dib refers to the notion of knowledge ('ilm)
                  and teaching (ta'lim) as well as good parenting (tarbiyah).

                  Therefore, the word ta'dib actually has a broader meaning

                  than tarbiyah which means nurturing. While the word ta'lim
                  refers to teaching related to science only, therefore either

                  the word ta'lim or tarbiyah is a sub part of the ta'dib system.
                  It is the same with education (importing knowledge) which

                  is also a sub-section of ta'dib.
                          After the emergence of specific science, the term

                  ta'dib  was  gradually  squeezed  so  that  it  was  almost

                  forgotten. As a replacement in this modern era, the word
                  tarbiyah  appears  which  is  the  equivalent  of  the  word

                  education in English. Even though the word tarbiyah does

           3 Ramayulis, Islamic Education, (Jakarta: Kalam Mulia, 1998), Cet. 2nd, h. 2.
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