P. 137

It  is  stated  in  the  proverb  above  that  custom  is

           encoded with syarak, while syarak is based on monotheism (the
           oneness of Allah), as contained in the word of Allah in the letter

                               ٤ ٌدَحَا ا ٗهل مَل ْدَل مَل ْدِلَي مَل دمَّصلا ُ ه َ اللّ ٌدَحَا ُ ه اللّ ْل
                            "Say:  Allah  is  One,  Allah  is  asking,  there  is
                     neither  begotten  nor  begotten,  and  there  is  none  like
                     Him."(Qur'an 112: 1-4)
                          From the information above, an understanding can
           be drawn that God is one and only and only God is the sole ruler,

           He is the creator, preserver and place of asking, so that everything
           originates from Him and returns to Him. All knowledge that exists

           in nature is a unity because it belongs to the one, namely Allah

           SWT, only limited and speculative human discoveries then science
           is manifested in different forms, therefore this divided knowledge

           is actually integral, meaning that it originates from and adheres to
           monotheism, therefore all knowledge contained in nature is related

           to  the  values  of  that  monotheism.  Furthermore,  the  following

           mamangan states:
                              Panghulu barajo, you are mufakaik,

                              consensus barajo ka nan bana,
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