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appear  in  rhymes,  petitih  proverbs,  mamangan,  proverbs,

               parables, pituah or advice, gurindam etc., which are obtained
               in the following forms:

                     a.  Kaba  is  a  (fictional)  story  passed  down  from

                         generation  to  generation  about  ancient  Minang

                     b.  Pasamanahan  which  is  a  speech  procedure  in  an
                         event or official meeting.

                     c.  Randai is a drama that is performed in combination
                         with dance, etc.

           B.  The concept of monotheism

                          Monotheism is a religious concept that underlies all
           knowledge in nature. In the Minang proverb it is stated that Minang

           customs base their beliefs on Islam.
                              syarak traditional customs,

                              syarak basandi Kitabullah,
                              syarak mangato mamakai custom,

                              camine nan not kabuah,

                              palito nan not extinguished.

                  67 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 32, which means: Custom is based
           on syarak, syarak is based on the book of Allah, syarak says it's custom to
           wear, mirror that doesn't blur, lamp that doesn't go out.
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