P. 138

                              nan bana badiri sandrirnyo.
                          It is stated in the proverb above that consensus is
           barajo ka nan bana, nan bana badiri sandirinyo. If we examine it,

           it can be seen that above consensus there is still one more level,

           namely  barajo  kan  nan  bana  (going  to  the  right)  which  means
           seeking the truth. This means that every member of society must

           perform ijtihad to find a more correct one, even though at the level
           of consensus a mutual understanding has been reached between

           different opinions.
                          Next  comes  the  question  of  what  is  truth.  In  the

           above  proverb  it  is  explained  that:  nan  bana  badiri  sandirinyo,

           which is true and independent, means that truth is omnipotent, that
           is al Haq. It can be concluded that Minang customs are based on

           the concept of monotheism.
           C.  Concept of Science and Skills

               1.  Science
                     Minang custom which is based on the takambang nature

               as  a  teacher,  where  nature  is  a  source  of  inspiration  from

               science and knowledge, so that nature must be studied and
               studied, the educational material is related to nature, namely

                  68 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 174, which means: Penghulu is
           king of consensus, consensus is king of what is right, what is right stands by
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