P. 140

                        َلْيلا نْيَنثا ا َل ِت ٰرمثلا ِّل ا ً ر ٰ هْنَا يِسا ا َل ض ْ رَ ْ  ْ  َّ
                                                                   لَا يِذلا
                                                     ٍم ْ وَقِل ٍتٰي َ لَ َكِل َّنِا  ۗ راهَّنلا
                                                                     َ َ
                            "And  it  is  He  who  spreads  out  the  earth,  and
                     raises mountains and rivers on it. And from each fruit
                     he made pairs, and closed the day with the night. Verily,
                     it  is  a  proof  or  explanation  for  a  people  who
                     think."(Qur'an 13:3)
                     The  information  above  shows  us  that  nature  and  the

               events  in  it  must  be  used  as  material  for  thought  and  is  a
               science that must be explored and thought about.

               2.  Skills
                     In Minang custom, everyone is required to have skills or

               functions in society. As the following proverb:
                                 Nan paralyzed the house,

                                 nan buto paambuih lasuang,

                                 nan broken pangajuik chicken,
                                 nan outrigger looks baiyo.
                     a.  Expert in the field (The right man on the right


                  70 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 14, which means: The lame of the
           householder, the blind who blow the mortar, the broken one drives the rooster,
           the shrewd place of deliberation.
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