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Allah, the most obedient human being is given a
level of piety.
b. The basis of education that comes from customs is
the law of causality which gives rise to rational
c. The philosophy of mind raises a sincere and
harmonious attitude (maintaining a balance) caring
for others, egalitarian and independent.
With the three principles above, it can be formulated that
the purpose of Minang traditional education is to form an ideal
human according to custom, namely being devoted to Allah,
intelligent, rational thinking, independent, sincere, virtuous
and noble. Strictly speaking, it can be said that the purpose of
Minang traditional education is to seek the truth (al Haq) or
meet (liqa) with God.
4. Educational Materials
The educational material in Minang customs found in
this study, among others, is monotheism as the basis of all
science. Science and skills as meant by Brubacher with the
true, social science and morals (character) as meant by values
(the good) and the value of beauty (aesthetics) such as
emotion, literature and subtlety of language as intended by
Brubacher with the Beautiful. In particular, literary variations