P. 134

Indeed, there is a hierarchy in traditional leadership. The

               first hierarchy is based on kinship relations (blood relations),
               namely the niece submits to the mamak, then the mamak obeys

               the pengulu. The second hierarchy is based on human equality

               (egalitarian) so that what is more respected is the agreement
               (agreement)  between  fellow  community  members.  This  is

               stated by the term consensus (Mufakaik barajo ka nan bana).
               Consensus  is  to  bring  together  different  opinions  or

               understandings among members of the community.
                     Above consensus, there is still something that must be

               respected more, namely the correct "nan bana" or described as

               "nan bana badiri sandirinyo", which truly stands alone. This is
               what  is  meant  by  al  Haq.  Here  it  is  clear  that  the  Minang

               people believe that there is only one truth. This means that
               even though consensus has been reached until a truth can be

               proven, therefore the purpose of Minang traditional education
               is to "find the truth" to get closer to al Haq (nan bana badiri

               sandirinyo) or what was previously called "liqa" with God.

                     Therefore,  it  can  be  concluded  that  the  spirit  of
               education possessed by adat as a foundation is:

                     a.  The basis of religious education is that the purpose

                         of human creation is to serve God, the purpose of
                         human life is to meet God. And from the sight of
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