P. 174
matters; the king of nature regulates government affairs,
but power is more symbolic because policies have been
regulated by the legislative body which is equivalent to
the executive body. Between the king and the common
people there is no distance, one another respects each
other. This shows that between members of the
community there is an equal closeness, one of which is
not higher in social status than the other, so that in the
adat doctrine it is stated clearly as according to the
Rajo alim rajo slapped,
rajo zalim rajo refuted. 118
This symbolizes that in Minang customs there is
freedom of opinion and criticism of the implementation
of the current government, this shows evidence that
customs highly uphold human dignity as individuals and
groups. This means that there is a balance and mutual
correction (check and balance) between the government
and the community, so that the two go hand in hand and
there is no hesitation in expressing criticism to each
other. In contrast to the absolute power of kings in the
118 Idrus Hakimy, 1000 Proverbs-Petitih, p. 102, which means: The
king of the pious kings is worshiped, the kings of the tyrants are denied.