P. 170

something  that  deserves  to  be  obeyed  or  the  king,  as

                     stated in his mamangan: Nan rajo kato mufakaik (the
                     king said consensus).

                            This means that the decision that is the result of

                     consensus is a strong decision and is closer to the truth.
                     Therefore, it is accepted by many people and must be

                     obeyed.  This  reflects  that  a  decision  is  always  taken
                     democratically. For a democratic system to work within

                     the  family,  there  must  be  a  leader  in  the  Minang
                     community, and that leader is followed by the members.

                     This is stated in the following proverb:

                                        barajo nephew ka mamak,
                                        mamak barajo ka panghulu,

                                        penghulu barajo you agree,
                                        consensus barajo ka nan bana,

                                        nan bana badiri sandirinyo,
                                        nan manuruik alua jo patuik. 116

                            This proverb states that there is a leader in the

                     family body who regulates the integrity of the family
                     and the leadership system in it is good for consensus or

                  116 Idrus Hakimy, Mustika Series, p. 86, which means: Nephews are
           kings to mamak, mamak is kings to penghulu, penghulu is king to consensus,
           consensus is king of truth, truth stands alone, according to the plot and proper.
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