P. 46

Promote a reading culture

               According to figure 22, two (25%) Student teachers respondents suggested that reading of poems
               is the strongest tool one can use to understand anything. So, learners should read more poetry


               Extra classes

               The  findings  of  22,  three  (37,  5%)  Student  teachers  recommended  that  extra  classes  can  be

               arranged  for  learners  who  fail  to  understand  poetry.  This  will  definitely  improve  their
               understanding of poetry.

               Divide the poem into sub-ideas

               Based on the results of figure 22, one (12.5%) Student teacher mentioned that in order for learners

               to have a better understanding of poems  major ideas should be broken down into smaller parts.
               This had to be done by breaking down words which will give meaning of the content of a poem.

               Understanding of poems and poetic devices

               The finding of figure 22, two (25%) Student teachers suggested that teachers as well as learners
               should be familiar with and understand different types of poems as well as the figurative languages

               embedded in the poems.

               4.4 Summary

               This chapter concentrated on the findings of the study. The chapter presented the findings in two

               sections whereby the first section focused on demographic data whereas the second section was
               for  empirical  findings.  The  next  chapter  (Chapter  5)  concluded  the  study  by  presenting  the

               conclusion  drawn  from  the  literature  and  the  findings  of  the  study.  Further,  the  final  chapter

               outlined  recommendations  concerning  the  value  addition  of  poetry  teaching  as  well  as
               recommendations for future studies

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