Page 234 - JLA-03
P. 234


                      The fifth discovery device is the request for admission under Rule

              36. These may be sent only to parties, and not to non-parties. They require
              the party to admit or deny specific factual statements. The responding party

              has 30 days in which to respond. For example, P in a car crash case could

              send to D a Rule 36 request requiring D to admit or deny that she had drunk
              alcohol within 10 minutes of the crash. If D does not deny the request within

              30 days, she is deemed to have admitted it.

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              for admission) ¿“¬„μâ°Æ¢âÕ∑’Ë Ûˆ §”√âÕߢÕπ’È®– à߉¥â·μà‡©æ“–ºŸâ∑’ˇªìπ§Ÿà§«“¡„𧥒‡∑à“π—Èπ

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              D ¬Õ¡√—∫À√◊ժؑ‡ ∏«à“‰¥â¥◊Ë¡‡§√◊ËÕߥ◊Ë¡·Õ≈°ÕŒÕ≈剪¿“¬„π‡«≈“ Ò π“∑’°àÕπ‡°‘¥Õÿ∫—쑇Àμÿ

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                       Somsri  deems it wise to avoid the heavy traffic on Sukhumvit

                 Road, and take a detour.

                        ¡»√’§‘¥«à“‡ªìπ°“√©≈“¥∑’ËÀ≈’°‡≈’ˬ߰“√®√“®√∑’Ëμ‘¥¢—¥∫π∂ππ ÿ¢ÿ¡«‘∑·≈–„™â

                 ‡ âπ∑“ß∑’ËÕâÕ¡‰ª

              224                                                             ‡≈à¡∑’Ë Ú  ªï∑’Ë ˆˆ
   229   230   231   232   233   234   235   236   237   238   239