Page 233 - JLA-03
P. 233


                         The defendant  alleges in the answer to the plaint that the

                   defendant delivered the goods of which the quality was in accordance
                   with the agreement agreed upon by both parties.

                         ®”‡≈¬°≈à“«Õâ“ß„π§”„Àâ°“√«à“®”‡≈¬ àß¡Õ∫ ‘π§â“∑’Ë¡’§ÿ≥¿“æμ√ßμ“¡∑’Ë°”Àπ¥

                   ‰«â„π —≠≠“∑’˧Ÿà —≠≠“∑—Èß ÕßΩÉ“¬‰¥âμ°≈ß°—π‰«â·≈â«

                         The accused denies all  allegations  that the public prosecutor

                   makes against him.
                         ºŸâμâÕßÀ“ªØ‘‡ ∏∫√√¥“¢âÕ°≈à“«À“∑—ÈßÀ¡¥∑’Ëæπ—°ß“πÕ—¬°“√‰¥â°≈à“«À“μπ

                        The forth discovery tool is the medical examination under Rule 35.

                This permits a party to force someone to undergo a relevant examination by
                an appropriate health care professional. For example, if P claims physical

                injuries, D will probably want to have her doctor examine P. Rule 35 provides
                significant protection for the person to be examined. A medical exam is

                available only upon court order, and the order is not easy to get. The
                discovering party must demonstrate that the condition to be examined - which

                might be physical or mental - is relevant to the case and that there is çgood

                causeé to order the exam.

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                (medical examination) ¿“¬„μâ°Æ¢âÕ∑’Ë Ûı «‘∏’°“√π’ÈÕπÿ≠“μ„À⧟৫“¡ “¡“√∂∫—ߧ—∫

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