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attributes that are not including work clothing as determined by
the Management that may cause negative impact to the Bank.
5. Ethics (Please also refer to the Bank’s Compliance Rules)
Every Employee is required to maintain good moral conducts in
their working relations with colleagues, superiors and
subordinates as well as customers.
Preservation of good morale and a sound working spirit within the
Bank’s environment is in conformity with the Bank’s compliance
rules, manpower laws, and prevailing Banking regulations.
Article 12
Working Days and Working Hours
1. Working Days
a. The Bank’s working days shall be 5 working days per week or
8 hours a day or 40 hours a week.
b. Except as otherwise determined, the working days are
Monday until Friday.
c. Saturday and Sunday are weekly holidays.
d. The working hours shall be 08.00 am - 17.00 pm.
e. Lunch break is set for 1 hour that can be taken alternately
between 11.00 am to 14.00 pm.
f. Moslem Employees shall be entitled to attend religious
service on Friday between 11.30 am - 13.30 pm, including
lunch break.
g. Management can change working hours in accordance with
the bank’s needs and changes made will be announced in
writing to Employees.
2. Employees are obliged to register when will entering and leaving
the Bank's environment on the attendance machine.
3. If for any reason the attendance data does not exist, then when
leaving the Bank’s environment, Employees shall do recording by
filling out the attendance confirmation provided by the Human
Resources division through Human Resources Information System
(HC Plus).
4. Employees are required to commence Job at the commencement